Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a straightforward, practical, and effective approach to helping people improve the quality of their life. Therapy begins with an assessment intended to help me understand you and your difficulties, as well as some of your strengths.
We look at what is called the Cognitive Triad which includes a comprehensive analysis of your view of yourself, the world around you, and your future. We will look at how you developed those beliefs and how those beliefs affect your mood and behavior. This is done in session as well as through the use of homework assignments with brief reading followed by a list of thought provoking questions that are designed to get at this very important information.
Armed with this knowledge, I work with you to change these thoughts and ultimately change your mood and behavior resulting in improved relationships with family, friends, and co workers.
After the initial assessment, we will discuss mutually agreed upon goals for therapy. The more clear and specific you can be about the goals, the greater the likelihood that therapy will have a significant impact on your life. I will assist you in taking general goals and making them specific, measureable, action oriented, realistic and time limited. These are the characteristics of any solid therapeutic goal.
We will then begin to work on the goals by using a combination of traditional cognitive techniques such as thought records and working through any blocks to behavioral change. Sometimes, these blocks are rooted in early life experiences; however, the goal is to stay present focused and to work on how the past is affecting you now. We will test and challenge those assumptions that are no longer valid today and help you to "re-write" your script leading to a healthier, happier, and more productive life.
We will monitor your progress all along the way, and I am open to all feedback so that we can tailor the treatment to your specific learning style and maximize therapeutic gain.
If you want to know more about how cognitive behavioral treatment can benefit you, please do not hesitate to contact me.